
This is an incomplete list of awards and special recognitions our work received in the recent past. We are greatly indebted to all people and organizations who provided us with these honors.

June 2024

Young Researchers Award

Lucas Klemmer received the award for his research on the Waveform Analysis Language (WAL) developed during his PhD. His outstanding PhD thesis is entitled “Versatile Hardware Analysis Techniques: From Waveform-based Analysis to Formal Verification”.
December 2023

Adolf Adam Award

Florian Stögmüller received the third-place award in acknowledgment of his outstanding Master’s thesis. The award winners were selected by higher-level school students from schools throughout Upper Austria.
September 2022

Best paper award

for the paper Formal verification of SUBLEQ microcode implementing the RV32I ISA presented at the Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL) 2022 by Lucas Klemmer, Sonja Gurtner, Daniel Große
February 2021

Best paper candidate

for the paper System Level Verification of Phase-Locked Loop Using Metamorphic Relations published at Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) by Muhammad Hassan, Daniel Große, and Rolf Drechsler.
September 2020

Best paper award

for the paper Efficient Cross-Level Testing for Processor Verification: A RISC-V Case-Study presented at the Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL) 2020 by Vladimir Herdt, Daniel Große, Eyck Jentzsch, Rolf Drechsler