DI Manfred Schlägl

Portrait of DI Manfred Schlägl

DI Manfred Schlägl

Science Park 4, 3rd floor, room 0317
+43 732 2468 4565



[1] Manfred Schlägl and Daniel Große. FastISS RISC-V VP++: A simulation performance evaluation of RVV workloads. In RISC-V Summit Europe, 2025. [ bib ]
[2] Manfred Schlägl and Daniel Große. Fast interpreter-based instruction set simulation for virtual prototypes. In Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2025. [ bib | sourcecode | .pdf ]
[3] Manfred Schlägl and Daniel Große. Single instruction isolation for RISC-V vector test failures. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2024. [ bib | sourcecode | .pdf ]
[4] Manfred Schlägl and Daniel Große. Bounded load/stores in grammar-based code generation for testing the RISC-V vector extension. In RISC-V Summit Europe, 2024. [ bib | sourcecode | .pdf ]
[5] Manfred Schlägl, Moritz Stockinger, and Daniel Große. A RISC-V “V” VP: Unlocking vector processing for evaluation at the system level. In Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), pages 1–6, 2024. [ bib | DOI | sourcecode | .pdf ]
[6] Manfred Schlägl and Daniel Große. GUI-VP Kit: A RISC-V VP meets Linux graphics - enabling interactive graphical application development. In ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), pages 599–605, 2023. [ bib | DOI | sourcecode | .pdf ]
[7] Lucas Klemmer, Manfred Schlägl, and Daniel Große. RVVRadar: a framework for supporting the programmer in vectorization for RISC-V. In ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), pages 183–187, 2022. [ bib | DOI | sourcecode | .pdf ]


[8] Manfred Schlägl and Daniel Große. RVVTS: A modular, open-source framework for positive and negative testing of the RISC-V “V” vector extension (RVV). In ITG/GI/GMM-Workshop “Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen” (MBMV), 2025. [ bib | .pdf ]
[9] Manfred Schlägl, Christoph Hazott, and Daniel Große. RISC-V VP++: Next generation open-source virtual prototype. In Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation, 2024. [ bib | sourcecode | .pdf ]


[10] Manfred Schlägl, Christoph Hazott, and Daniel Große. Recent developments in open-source RISC-V virtual prototypes: From vector extensions, tracing to 3D-games. In Special Session at Forum on specification & Design Languages, 2023. [ bib | sourcecode ]